Divine Messengers




I was approached by a college student from a neighboring Christian University after our meditation.

Student: “I don’t like your meditations. You are not praying to God. You are not spreading the message of Jesus to the world as God commanded us to do. You just sit silent.”

Me:  “The message of Jesus has been spread to the world through the words of Lao Tzu, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Dogen Zenji, and Israel’s prophets. Jesus came to re-establish, confirm, and remind, us of His former colleague’s words.”

Student: “I don’t believe in those false prophets. Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Me: “I see you have come to a point of excellence in your thought for the words of Jesus ring true in this moment through you. When you quote the Christian scriptures I recognize Jesus through you. The same is true when I hear people quote scriptures from those I have previously mentioned. The Jesus that is in them is easily recognized through them. No one can experience lasting peace until they have experienced the Divine that some call Jesus that rest in each living being. As a Christian you believe that God is the Creator of all things. Please tell me which of these people whom I have mentioned that are not graced with the touch of the Divine?“

When the world is not suffering from human initiation then the vision provided through Israel’s prophets and the testimony of Jesus will have been fulfilled.

The Tao and Catholicism

The box of Religion 002


Two things come to mind this morning as I have been of late reviewing Stephen Mitchell’s translation of the Tao Te Ching.

One is a conversation I had with my mother many years ago. My mother was hardly a saint but was a tenacious searcher for the truth. She was raised in the Apologetic Catholic tradition. This is the theology that was spread through the Baltimore Catechism in the early 20th century and is still broadcasted by many Catholic Bishops in the US today. This is the theology that I have been referring to lately as the “no way out” theology in that it demands strict adherence to Catholic Doctrines but provides no clear understanding to the paradoxical statement issued by the apostle Paul in Roman’s 15: 19 – “I do not do the good that I want, but I do the evil that I do not want”. In my mother’s search for truth, once she became confined by the stringencies of the teachings of her own tradition, she began to step out of the box that was created for her by religious conservatives and experienced an intimacy with her Creator.

I called her on the phone one day and I don’t remember how we came to talk about the dynamics of prayer but we did. She said something that resonated with me for decades to come. “Sometimes you pray and pray for something for so long and it never comes. Eventually, out of mental exhaustion, you stop praying for it and decide that you don’t want it anymore. This is usually about the time that it falls right into your lap.”

It was not until I began to embrace the Eastern scriptures such as the Tao Te Ching that I found that this phenomenon is clearly marked. My mother did not give up her longing for this good thing to happen. She gave up her wanting, her desire for it to happen in her terms. She gave up determining when, where, and how, it would happen. Once she let go of the wanting, which was the cause of continual anxiety for her, once she gave up the desire and accepted the way things were, not only did her anxiety dissolve but she experienced peace.  With no obstacle remaining to prevent God from working in her life, the good fell right in her lap. As is stated in the Tao:


If you want to be given everything

Give everything up. (Tao V.22)


Be content with what you have;

rejoice in the way things are.

When you realize that nothing is lacking,

the whole world belongs to you. (Tao V.44)


Jesus continues in that same vein in Mathews Gospel 600 years after the Tao was written.


But seek first the kingdom [of God] and his righteousness,

and all these things will be given you besides.

Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.

(Mt 6:33-34)


The second thing that comes to mind relates in that as Catholic Christians we were taught that perspectives of God that came from other religious traditions were not valid and even dangerous to our well-being. I had a Catholic women recently claim to me that the Buddha was a false prophet.

One of my sisters said to me once that she believed that after we die we are somehow able to finish those things left undone. When I heard this I smiled. I began thinking that this was at heart the Hindu doctrine of reincarnation. This is such a beautiful thought.

Unable to reconcile the idea that a loving God could send us to a place where we would suffer for eternity (Hell), my sister, like my mother, stepped outside the box of her Catholic upbringing. She imagined a God that always loves us and created a space where we could “try again” to be compassionately involved in creation.




The limits of Religion

We have to put religion in an appropriate box. We must never allow religion to put us or the infinite in a box. If we do not prepare a box for religion it will box itself and some extremist will try to jam people into it. What happens when you put to many people in a box?

Cat Box

Being Comfortable

Throughout the past centuries hierarchical authorities have pushed ideologies that convinced us to be uncomfortable with ourselves; uncomfortable with where we were at in our life, uncomfortable with the way we look, uncomfortable being vulnerable at times, uncomfortable in sharing our mistakes, uncomfortable sharing our life promoting dreams, uncomfortable speaking out when you know somethings wrong, uncomfortable in who we are attracted too or fall in love with. It is as if we were mentally indoctrinated to accept a perpetual state of anxiety for ourselves.

If you want to scare the hell out of political, economic, religious, and civil, tyrants spend 15 minutes each day sitting still within the comfort of yourself. Thoughts that engender fear, discontent, misperception, anger, at first will be set aside as you re-discover the genuine you. Continue the practice and eventually those thoughts will dissolve. Within time you will quite effortlessly begin to transform your life promoting dreams and into realizable quests.

Do this and the petty tyrants in your life and our world, becoming even more insane with the frustration of being ignored and their ideologies being discounted, will also dissolve. Their last red-faced, dying gasp will be labeled with the words, “Who the hell do they think they are! We can’t allow them to freely think for themselves! They can’t just walk around spouting nonsense about giving every human being the same rights and choices! They are not smart enough to understand that if people are left to govern themselves things will become total chaos. Spewing all this tripe about building a better world for everyone, we have enemies damn it! Who is going to prevent these “foreigners” from taking advantage over us? If they are not told who to be afraid of how will we control them? No, no, no…..ahhh … !?!..¡¿¡”

07.09.17 Be Comfortable