Step Into It

via Daily Prompt: Heal

001 Stepping into the flow
The Flow of Peace

Peace cannot be obtained. It is not a goal. If you hear someone say,”We are doing this to promote peace or to bring peace.” do not believe them. Peace is not that which is not here today but may be here tomorrow. Peace is always present now. Even in times of extreme conflict peace is always present. It is just not being recognized or utilized. Times of extreme conflict provide a prime breeding ground for a pivot toward peace because it becomes ever more apparent to all involved that all other avenues lead to strife.

Peace and Love are present in the same thread that is apart of the weave of life. They are indivisible. With the overwhelming sense of calm and contentment that is peace there is a simultaneous knowing of the infinite nurturing care of love. When you step into this flow which is possible at any moment of your life, your egoic self dramatically shrinks and your true genuine self emerges. A self that not only knows peace and love but feels it inside of your body. Once you feel it, it becomes unnecessary to think it. As you feel it, you automatically begin to act in it. From that moment forward you find yourself doing that which is. That which is, is all that is necessary. The unnecessary thoughts, feelings, and actions, that glorify your ego, those that inflate the false you, sometimes making you believe that there is this massive you that is ‘bigger than life’, a you that just has to worry and suffer constantly, because if something does or doesn’t happen it will be the end of the world, these unnecessary items are no longer apart of your conception.

You really can’t call this a ‘force’ because it does not force you to do anything. To call it ‘power’ does not fit either even though it is the only “True Power”. People have come to define the word ‘power’ as the means to dominate and control something and this infinite influence does not desire or have any need to dominate or control you or anything else. ‘False power’ is dominating, controlling, and attempts to suck the life out of everything it touches. This is its opposite. This is like a warm shower on a cold winters day. You can either step in to the replenishing flow or not the choice is yours. This influence will never take anything away from you, like your freedom of will. That would be unnecessary and go counter to the flow. It only feeds you the necessary. Once you recognize it you are drawn to it because it is infinitely provides mental, physical, and spiritual, healing, nourishment, and sustenance. Away from it you eventually become wrapped in conflict.

The monetarily rich, world leaders, kings, and the rulers of people, who attempt to dominate others cower in the face of this influence. They cannot control it. They do not understand it. It serves them not. They fear it because they do not know it. It is so pure that the light that shines from it blinds them and confuses their minds. This light makes their shame plainly visible for the people to see. When people live in this flow of peace the dominators become agitated and nervous because those in the flow cannot be easily manipulated. In fact, the dominators, being that they are unnecessary, often are ignored by those in the flow. The dominators will stomp and hiss around, blowing up their egos like over sized New Years Day parade balloons in attempts to get attention from the unmanipulable. The balloons eventually burst with no effect to the flow of peace.

This influence places all humans on a level playing field where forgiveness is given and received in the instant it is a thought in any ones mind. This Peace influence is such that a small child, when willingly immersed in its presence, holds more potency in the soft gentle vibration issued from one breath than all the false power ever known to humans. In one inhale she could swallow all the fake arrogance and regurgitate it back into the air with a burp and a giggle while skipping along to proceed with the necessary. As she did so, all the human initiated domination of time would fuss into the air dissipating into its original form of nothingness.

Peace and healing await you. Step into it.

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